AG Photo


Attila Gergics

Like everybody else, I began shooting photos as a child. At that time my only motivation was to capture memories for my friends and family about an excursion or an event. But as the time was passing, I grew more interested in the technical side of photography, and I realized that I could only take unique images with special equipment and a creative perspective. With the snapshots I intend to make after upgrading my equipment and graduating from photography school, I don’t only want to bring joy to myself or the people around me, but to everybody else who would entrust me with their confidence and allow me to make honest and lovely photos for them.

Attila Gergics

Technical Skills

I believe that you can only interfere in the creation of images in a competent way, if you perfectly understand the whole process of shooting photos. The old and unique lenses of the analog world and the modern frames provide an excellent opportunity to create a unique visual world. I like to use all kinds of optics, be it the latest invention autofocus objective or an ancient lens found at the bottom of a trunk. If it can contribute to the successful end result, it’s already served its purpose.

Canon 100D